PORCH GOOSE ZINE!!!! It’s either your thing or not, so I won’t try to sell you too hard on the zine. Porch Goose: A History & Case Study of a Midwestern Icon is 28 pages, half-page size (that is, 5.5 x 8.5 inches), with a 16-item bibliography. It’s heavily illustrated in full color.

cover of the Porch Goose zine, featuring a concrete goose sculpture with a bright yellow raincoat and matching hat
front cover


two-page spread from the Porch Goose zine, featuring images of geese dressed up like a hillbilly and a biker, as well as an image of a traditional plastic lawn flamingo
sample pages


To order, fill out your snail mail address in the form and then send $5 for each copy of the zine. I accept:

If funds are tight and having the zine would bring you joy, don’t worry about payment.